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Testando a sorte..

kev silver
7 participantes

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Testando a sorte.. Empty Testando a sorte..

Mensagem por critias Sex Ago 30, 2013 2:27 pm

na semana foram + de 450 giant ball to sortudo pra carai '.'

12:12 Loot of an Yanmega: nothing.
12:12 Loot of a Electabuzz: an electric box.
12:12 Loot of a Electabuzz: an electric box.
12:12 Loot of a Electabuzz: 23 screws.
12:12 Loot of a Electabuzz: 28 screws.
12:12 Loot of an Electivire: nothing.
12:12 Loot of an Electivire: nothing.
12:12 Loot of an Electivire: 56 screws.
12:12 Loot of an Electivire: 78 screws.
12:13 Loot of an Electivire: 43 screws.
12:14 Loot of a Feebas: a Water Pot, a water pendant.
12:20 Só confie nos sites (;(, qualquer outro link que pessa para que você logue sua conta que não seja o nosso próprio site pode ser uma tentativa para roubar sua conta, fiquem atentos!
12:21 Loot of a Milotic: nothing.
12:25 Loot of a giant magikarp: nothing.
12:27 Loot of a giant magikarp: a Water Plate, 2 remains of magikarp.
12:27 Loot of a Feebas: nothing.
12:28 Loot of a Murkrow: 2 feathers, 4 straws.
12:28 Loot of a Murkrow: a bird beak.
12:28 Loot of an Honchkrow: 28 future orbs, 67 Dark Gems.
12:28 Silver Arena will begin in 30 minutes! Go to npc Max to subscribe prepare yourself!
12:28 You see a defeated Murkrow.
12:29 You see a defeated Murkrow.
12:29 You see grass.
12:31 Loot of a giant magikarp: nothing.
12:32 Loot of a Murkrow: 3 future orbs.
12:32 Loot of a Murkrow: 48 straws.
12:32 Loot of an Honchkrow: a roc feather, a bird beak, 22 future orbs.
12:38 Loot of a Milotic: nothing.
12:39 Loot of a Feebas: a Water Pot.
12:39 Loot of a Murkrow: 17 future orbs, 71 Dark Gems, 13 straws.
12:39 Loot of a Murkrow: a bird beak, 5 future orbs.
12:39 Loot of an Honchkrow: a roc feather, 2 feathers, 5 straws.
12:40 Loot of a Feebas: nothing.
12:41 Loot of a Electabuzz: nothing.
12:41 Loot of a Electabuzz: nothing.
12:41 Loot of a Electabuzz: 82 screws.
12:41 Loot of a Electabuzz: nothing.
12:41 Loot of an Electivire: nothing.
12:41 Loot of an Electivire: nothing.
12:41 Loot of an Electivire: 17 screws.
12:41 Loot of an Electivire: 75 screws.
12:42 Loot of an Electivire: nothing.
12:44 Loot of a giant magikarp: a remain of magikarp.
12:44 Loot of a Feebas: nothing.
12:45 You see a dragonair.(Dragonair[0])
It belongs to Pinuka.(catch by Pinuka)
Hit points: 18932/18932.
12:46 Loot of a Feebas: 4 water gems.
12:53 Silver Arena will begin in 5 minutes!
We hope that participants are already prepared , Go to npc Max to subscribe!
12:54 Loot of a giant magikarp: 2 Water Plates.
12:55 Loot of a Feebas: 95 water gems.
12:59 Loot of a Milotic: a water pendant.
13:00 The Silver Arena are started!
13:01 Loot of a Feebas: a water pendant, 14 water gems.
13:04 Kanto Indigo Start Player : Igu
13:04 Loot of a giant magikarp: nothing.
13:06 Loot of a Feebas: nothing.
13:09 Loot of a Milotic: nothing.
13:12 The Silver Arena are finished!
13:12 Game map cleaning within 30 seconds, please pick up your items!
13:12 Game map cleaned, next clean in 1 hours.
13:18 Loot of a Milotic: a Ruby, 30 water gems.
13:22 Loot of a Milotic: 34 water gems.
13:24 Loot of a Feebas: 2 water gems.
13:28 Loot of a giant magikarp: nothing.
13:30 Loot of a Milotic: nothing.
13:33 Kanto Indigo Cleaned go to lorelei to battle.
13:33 Loot of an Glaceon: 2 Ice Orbs.
13:33 Loot of an Froslass: nothing.
13:33 Loot of an Glaceon: nothing.
13:33 Loot of an Glaceon: 20 Ice Orbs.
13:34 Loot of a Feebas: nothing.
13:35 Loot of a Yanma: nothing.
13:35 Loot of an Yanmega: 13 straws.
13:35 Loot of an Leafeon: 16 seeds.
13:35 Loot of an Mime Jr: nothing.
13:35 Loot of an Yanmega: 15 straws.
13:35 Loot of an Leafeon: a Grass Pendant, a pair of leaves.
13:35 Loot of an Yanmega: 26 future orbs, 24 straws.
13:35 Loot of an Mime Jr: 18 future orbs.
13:35 Loot of an Yanmega: 15 straws.
13:35 Loot of an Mime Jr: nothing.
13:36 Loot of a Aipom: nothing.
13:36 Loot of an Ambipom: nothing.
13:36 Loot of a Aipom: nothing.
13:36 Loot of an Ambipom: nothing.
13:36 Loot of an Ambipom: nothing.
13:39 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:39 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:41 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:41 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:43 Loot of an Gliscor: 84 small stones.
13:43 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:44 Loot of a Gligar: 67 small stones.
13:44 Loot of a Gligar: a sandbag, 20 small stones.
13:45 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag, 9 small stones.
13:46 Loot of an Gliscor: 9 small stones.
13:46 Loot of an Gliscor: 79 small stones.
13:46 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:47 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
13:47 Loot of a Gligar: 35 small stones.
13:49 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:49 Loot of an Gliscor: 60 small stones.
13:49 Loot of an Gliscor: 40 small stones.
13:50 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
13:50 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
13:52 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:52 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:53 Loot of an Gliscor: 39 small stones.
13:53 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
13:53 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
13:55 Loot of an Gliscor: 23 small stones.
13:55 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
13:57 Loot of an Gliscor: 2 small stones.
13:57 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:57 Loot of an Gliscor: 15 small stones.
13:57 Loot of a Gligar: 59 small stones.
13:57 Loot of a Gligar: 81 small stones.
13:58 You see a TM - Solar Beam.
13:59 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:59 Loot of an Gliscor: 29 small stones.
14:00 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
14:00 Loot of a Gligar: 5 small stones.
14:01 Loot of an Gliscor: a Ground Plate, 93 small stones.
14:02 You Advanced in task [Gliscor] from 2 to 3,your task points (201346).
14:02 Loot of an Gliscor: 62 small stones.
14:04 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
14:04 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:04 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:06 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:07 Loot of an Gliscor: 91 small stones.
14:07 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:09 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:11 Loot of an Gliscor: 68 small stones.
14:11 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag, 82 small stones.
14:11 Loot of an Gliscor: 19 small stones.
14:12 Loot of a Gligar: a sandbag, 88 small stones.
14:14 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:14 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:14 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
14:16 Loot of an Gliscor: 41 small stones.
14:18 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:18 Loot of an Gliscor: 41 small stones.
14:18 Loot of an Gliscor: 98 small stones.
14:18 Loot of a Gligar: a sandbag.
14:18 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
14:23 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
14:23 Loot of an Gliscor: 33 small stones.
14:23 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag, 87 small stones.

Nick no Jogo : Aquário Mensagens : 6152
Data de inscrição : 20/12/2011
Idade : 32
Localização : Saint-Étienne

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Testando a sorte.. Empty Re: Testando a sorte..

Mensagem por kpxtiti Sex Ago 30, 2013 6:17 pm

Tadinho ;3

Nick no Jogo : Escorpião Mensagens : 2925
Data de inscrição : 31/10/2012
Idade : 29
Localização : Floripa

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Testando a sorte.. Empty Re: Testando a sorte..

Mensagem por kev silver Sex Ago 30, 2013 7:51 pm

que dó Mad 
kev silver
kev silver

Nick no Jogo : Sagitário Mensagens : 555
Data de inscrição : 21/01/2013
Idade : 24

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Testando a sorte.. Empty Re: Testando a sorte..

Mensagem por joaozinn Sáb Ago 31, 2013 12:05 pm

Eu gastei mas de 1000 giant ball e nao catei electivire '-'

Nick no Jogo : Áries Mensagens : 214
Data de inscrição : 03/08/2013
Idade : 25

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Testando a sorte.. Empty Re: Testando a sorte..

Mensagem por Peu Pandora Sáb Ago 31, 2013 12:23 pm

Testando a sorte.. E81mkh
é Pokemon pra Caraí '-'
Peu Pandora
Peu Pandora

Nick no Jogo : Touro Mensagens : 625
Data de inscrição : 27/06/2013
Idade : 25
Localização : cerulean

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Testando a sorte.. Empty Re: Testando a sorte..

Mensagem por critias Dom Set 01, 2013 1:15 pm

+ de 1000 giant ball só essa semana + 700 só em gliscor

11:33 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
11:33 Loot of an Gliscor: 64 small stones.
11:33 Loot of an Gliscor: 14 small stones.
11:33 Loot of a Gligar: 41 small stones.
11:33 Loot of a Gligar: 9 small stones.
11:33 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
11:34 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
11:34 Loot of a Gligar: 56 small stones.
11:35 Loot of an Gliscor: a Heart Stone.
11:36 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:36 Loot of an Gliscor: 39 small stones.
11:36 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
11:38 Loot of an Gliscor: 2 small stones.
11:40 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:40 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:40 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
11:41 Loot of a Gligar: a sandbag, 23 small stones.
11:41 Loot of a Gligar: 54 small stones.
11:42 Loot of an Gliscor: 50 small stones.
11:42 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:43 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
11:44 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:44 Loot of a Gligar: a Heart Stone.
11:44 Loot of a Gligar: a sandbag, 4 small stones.
11:46 Loot of an Gliscor: an Earth Stone, a sandbag, 25 small stones.
11:46 Loot of an Gliscor: 67 small stones.
11:48 Loot of an Gliscor: 35 small stones.
11:48 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:48 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:48 Loot of a Gligar: 50 small stones.
11:48 Loot of a Gligar: a sandbag.
11:50 Loot of an Gliscor: a Heart Plate.
11:51 Loot of an Gliscor: 32 small stones.
11:51 Loot of an Gliscor: 83 small stones.
11:52 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
11:52 Loot of a Gligar: 28 small stones.
11:53 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:53 Loot of a Gligar: 33 small stones.
11:55 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:55 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
11:57 Loot of an Gliscor: 99 small stones.
11:57 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
11:59 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:00 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
12:01 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:02 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:02 Loot of a Gligar: 69 small stones.
12:03 You see a TM - Solar Beam.
12:04 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:04 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:05 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
12:05 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:05 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:07 Loot of an Gliscor: 34 small stones.
12:07 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:08 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:08 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:08 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:10 Loot of an Gliscor: 2 small stones.
12:10 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:12 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:12 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
12:13 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:15 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:16 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
12:16 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:17 You see a skarmory.(Skarmory[280])
It belongs to Critias.(catch by Critias)
Hit points: 190000/190000.
12:17 You see an Hyper ball being used.
Contains a Skarmory, ST[+34]+B[246]=[280].
12:19 Loot of an Gliscor: 33 small stones.
12:19 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:19 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:20 Loot of a Feebas: a Water Pot.
12:21 Loot of a Murkrow: nothing.
12:21 Loot of a Murkrow: a bird beak, 62 Dark Gems, 26 straws.
12:21 Loot of an Honchkrow: a roc feather, a bird beak, 30 future orbs.
12:22 Loot of an Illumise: nothing.
12:22 Loot of an Yanmega: nothing.
12:22 Loot of an Illumise: 2 pots of moss bug.
12:24 Loot of an Mamoswine: an Ice Stone.
12:24 Loot of an Mamoswine: 21 Ice Orbs.
12:27 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
12:27 Loot of an Gliscor: 25 small stones.
12:27 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:28 Loot of a Gligar: 10 small stones.
12:28 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:28 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:28 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:28 Loot of a Gligar: 15 small stones.
12:28 Silver Arena will begin in 30 minutes! Go to npc Max to subscribe prepare yourself!
12:31 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag, 51 small stones.
12:31 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:31 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:31 Loot of a Gligar: 90 small stones.
12:31 Loot of a Gligar: 97 small stones.
12:33 Loot of an Gliscor: a Gligar Claw, 62 small stones.
12:33 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:35 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:35 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag, 60 small stones.
12:36 You see 40 Skarmory Wings.
Great wings resistant, hollow and lightweight, allowing a free flight through the sky.
12:37 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:38 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
12:38 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:40 Loot of an Gliscor: 23 small stones.
12:40 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:40 Loot of an Gliscor: 10 small stones.
12:43 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:43 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:43 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:43 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:45 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:46 Loot of an Gliscor: a Gligar Claw, 4 small stones.
12:46 Loot of an Gliscor: 47 small stones.
12:46 Loot of a Gligar: 63 small stones.
12:46 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:49 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
12:49 Loot of an Gliscor: 91 small stones.
12:49 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:49 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
12:51 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
12:51 Loot of an Gliscor: 46 small stones.
12:51 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:53 Silver Arena will begin in 5 minutes!
We hope that participants are already prepared , Go to npc Max to subscribe!
12:55 Loot of an Gliscor: 16 small stones.
12:55 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:55 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:55 Loot of a Gligar: a sandbag.
12:55 Loot of a Gligar: 15 small stones.
12:57 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
12:57 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:00 Loot of an Gliscor: 66 small stones.
13:00 Loot of an Gliscor: 79 small stones.
13:00 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
13:00 Silver Arena will not begin, because no player are registered!
13:00 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
13:03 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
13:03 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:03 Loot of an Gliscor: 72 small stones.
13:03 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
13:06 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:06 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:06 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:06 Loot of a Gligar: nothing.
13:06 Loot of a Gligar: 18 small stones.
13:08 Loot of an Gliscor: 25 small stones.
13:08 Loot of an Gliscor: a sandbag.
13:10 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:10 Loot of an Gliscor: nothing.
13:12 Loot of an Yanmega: nothing.
13:12 Loot of an Gallade: 29 future orbs.
13:12 Loot of a Yanma: nothing.
13:12 Loot of an Mime Jr: nothing.

Nick no Jogo : Aquário Mensagens : 6152
Data de inscrição : 20/12/2011
Idade : 32
Localização : Saint-Étienne

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Testando a sorte.. Empty Re: Testando a sorte..

Mensagem por Luvith Dom Set 01, 2013 1:31 pm

ta foda aqui também ;x


Nick no Jogo : Escorpião Mensagens : 1626
Data de inscrição : 12/07/2013
Idade : 24
Localização : Porto Alegre-RS

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Testando a sorte.. Empty Re: Testando a sorte..

Mensagem por FelipeMartins Dom Set 01, 2013 3:54 pm

Me lembro dessa historia....ativa meu catch cater e tals quando foi na outra semana pegou
Gtz cath Bagon!


Nick no Jogo : Libra Mensagens : 2530
Data de inscrição : 21/02/2012
Idade : 33
Localização : Joao pessoa PB

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