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This is x-times I create topic. I really need some GM reply to me.

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This is x-times I create topic. I really need some GM reply to me. Empty This is x-times I create topic. I really need some GM reply to me.

Mensagem por Kelvin Igoor Qua Fev 13, 2013 10:15 pm

Is this forum have GM right ? So where the hell are you guy ?
I really pissed off with the way you guy run on game.
I donate to help this game run. Then I need help and no one pay attention and do anything ?
Why did you guy do not Notice in Donate page that : "Even you fuking donate well, we really not help you when you get trouble."
This can help people do not mad when they get shit after donate because they will no they get shit after paying money

Kelvin Igoor

Mensagens : 15
Data de inscrição : 27/01/2013

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