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New options and change

Balaio De Palma
Jack Black Jabels
7 participantes

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New options and change Empty New options and change

Mensagem por Diskor Sex Fev 17, 2017 10:41 am

I was see people play only on event when event was end players dont play so i have idea how change this.

-u can do week events from restart to restart on saturdays
-1 week in month    2x sh pokes
-2 week                 2x catch
-3 week                 2x exp
-4 week                 2x loot

This can help to give a more new players and olders can back.

I was see a small problem with one quest.
-Problem is quest on 200k one vermillion and second torterra
(vermillion easy quest and 200k is good on this quest)
(torterra quest hard quest and 200k too)(change this on 2 rare quest or 2kk and will be good)

- I have idea to add new quest couse is boring always see quest when i must kill strong pokes(Storng  Magcargo) or find a switch.
I can show u locations and for what this quest can be.I mean about missions quest this will be somethink another than all quest.

if u wanna know more about quest (i say this to gm) Msg me on game (Nick Diskor  World Nibiru)

If possible English.


Mensagens : 2
Data de inscrição : 17/02/2017

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Mensagem por Convidado Sáb Fev 18, 2017 10:16 pm

fala br pls n entendo mt chines n . obrigado e boa sugestao


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Mensagem por Diskor Sáb Fev 18, 2017 10:53 pm

sorry im no brazil


Mensagens : 2
Data de inscrição : 17/02/2017

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por Jack Black Jabels Sáb Fev 18, 2017 11:20 pm

Diskor escreveu:Hi                        
I was see people play only on event when event was end players dont play so i have idea how change this.

-u can do week events from restart to restart on saturdays
-1 week in month    2x sh pokes
-2 week                 2x catch
-3 week                 2x exp
-4 week                 2x loot

This can help to give a more new players and olders can back.

I was see a small problem with one quest.
-Problem is quest on 200k one vermillion and second torterra
(vermillion easy quest and 200k is good on this quest)
(torterra quest hard quest and 200k too)(change this on 2 rare quest or 2kk and will be good)

Okay, I do agree with your sugestions, specially the rewards on some quests need to be rethought, but Cater(ADM) probably won't do it.

Diskor escreveu:- I have idea to add new quest couse is boring always see quest when i must kill strong pokes(Storng  Magcargo) or find a switch.
I can show u locations and for what this quest can be.I mean about missions quest this will be somethink another than all quest.

If possible English.

Yes, some quests are just fucking retarded, those strong pokes were already OP af. Now with snore, curse, defense curl, it became even harder to kill them.

But like I said already, Cater is always OFF and never justifies why he does that... *sigh*
Jack Black Jabels
Jack Black Jabels

Nick no Jogo : Escorpião Mensagens : 773
Data de inscrição : 14/10/2014
Idade : 28
Localização : Canoas

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por Balaio De Palma Dom Fev 19, 2017 9:18 am

fala PT-BR, pq o cater é burro. n entende metade do português, magina algo em inglês. kkkkkkk
Balaio De Palma
Balaio De Palma

Nick no Jogo : Câncer Mensagens : 442
Data de inscrição : 22/09/2015
Idade : 108
Localização : Carneiros - AL

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por Balaio De Palma Dom Fev 19, 2017 9:26 am

Diskor escreveu:Hi                        
I was see people play only on event when event was end players dont play so i have idea how change this.

-u can do week events from restart to restart on saturdays
-1 week in month    2x sh pokes
-2 week                 2x catch
-3 week                 2x exp
-4 week                 2x loot

This can help to give a more new players and olders can back.

I was see a small problem with one quest.
-Problem is quest on 200k one vermillion and second torterra
(vermillion easy quest and 200k is good on this quest)
(torterra quest hard quest and 200k too)(change this on 2 rare quest or 2kk and will be good)

- I have idea to add new quest couse is boring always see quest when i must kill strong pokes(Storng  Magcargo) or find a switch.
I can show u locations and for what this quest can be.I mean about missions quest this will be somethink another than all quest.

if u wanna know more about quest (i say this to gm) Msg me on game (Nick Diskor  World Nibiru)

If possible English.

Última edição por Balaio De Palma em Qua Out 04, 2017 2:32 pm, editado 1 vez(es)
Balaio De Palma
Balaio De Palma

Nick no Jogo : Câncer Mensagens : 442
Data de inscrição : 22/09/2015
Idade : 108
Localização : Carneiros - AL

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por [kpdo]cater Dom Fev 19, 2017 11:41 am

Hi, nice suggestion, i like

New options and change Medalofhonorcatp1
New options and change 9ft8bm

Mensagens : 2448
Data de inscrição : 09/08/2011
Localização : California (Silicon Valley) - EUA

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por Balaio De Palma Dom Fev 19, 2017 1:36 pm

isso ai cater! fez bom uso do translate. kkkk
Balaio De Palma
Balaio De Palma

Nick no Jogo : Câncer Mensagens : 442
Data de inscrição : 22/09/2015
Idade : 108
Localização : Carneiros - AL

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por raijinchu Dom Fev 19, 2017 1:40 pm

Google Tradutor Very Happy Very Happy

Nick no Jogo : Touro Mensagens : 552
Data de inscrição : 07/05/2013
Idade : 27
Localização : USA

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por [kpdo]cater Seg Fev 20, 2017 1:41 pm

Nao usei translate lol

New options and change Medalofhonorcatp1
New options and change 9ft8bm

Mensagens : 2448
Data de inscrição : 09/08/2011
Localização : California (Silicon Valley) - EUA

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Mensagem por quantoo Ter Fev 21, 2017 1:44 am

[kpdo]cater escreveu:Hi, nice suggestion, i like

Vou arquiva-las para sempre mas otimas sugestões amiguinho.

Nick no Jogo : Áries Mensagens : 1282
Data de inscrição : 17/07/2012
Idade : 106
Localização : Atlanta

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por raijinchu Qua Fev 22, 2017 9:20 am

[kpdo]cater escreveu:Nao usei translate lol

Nick no Jogo : Touro Mensagens : 552
Data de inscrição : 07/05/2013
Idade : 27
Localização : USA

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por KeanMaya Qui Fev 23, 2017 12:47 am


Nick no Jogo : Touro Mensagens : 530
Data de inscrição : 15/04/2015
Idade : 28
Localização : Santa Catarina

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New options and change Empty Re: New options and change

Mensagem por quantoo Sex Fev 24, 2017 12:24 pm


Nick no Jogo : Áries Mensagens : 1282
Data de inscrição : 17/07/2012
Idade : 106
Localização : Atlanta

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